Teign Valley History Centre

Preserving our common cultural and historical heritage

Welcome to our 100 Club

This is a great way for you to support us whilst having a chance of winning a prize every 3 months. Apply now here.

Our 100 Club Prize Winners

June 2024: Tim Deane, £100; John & Philippa May, £50; Lyn Shackleton, £25;

March 2024: Jan Deane, £100; John & Philippa May, £50; Kerry Hawkins, £25;

December 2023: Tony Griffin, £100; John & Philippa May, £50; Jan Williamson, £25;

September 2023: Kerry Hawkins, £100; Tony Cook, £50; Lyn Shackleton, £25;

June 2023: Lyn Shackleton, £100; Tony Griffin, £50; David Fine, £25;

March 2023: Nick & Julia Kirkland, £100; Tim Deane, £50; Richard Lemon, £25;

December 2022: Tony Griffin, £100; Michael Edwards, £50; Stephen Devany, £25;

September 2022: Jan Deane, £100; Lyn Shackleton, £50; David Fine, £25;

June 2022: Kerry Hawkins, £100; John & Philippa May, £50; Jan Williamson, £25;

March 2022: Karen Moore & Wael Haj-Ibrahim, £100; Nick & Julia Kirkland, £50; Jan Traylen, £25;

December 2021: Tim Deane, £100; Ian Menter and Maggie Walker, £50; Margaret Bonnell, £25;

September 2021: Maryann Soper, £100; Mary & Sam Archer, £50; Michael Edwards, £25;

What are we doing?

The Teign Valley Museum and Archive Trust has begun an ambitious archiving project to digitise and make available online the records left to us by local historians and other people who want to share the history of our wonderful valley. We have promises of further collections of documents to add to the archive. These documents will be available online free of charge through this website to all who are interested.

Why are we asking for donations?

We need a regular income to pay for this work and to fund exhibitions and events exploring the rich story of this part of Devon; and in the medium term to contribute to the building of a History Centre. We have plans to work with the schools in the Valley and with other local groups to promote understanding of our history and how it influences all that now happens in the place in which we live.

Why 100?

If 100 people will commit to paying £10 per month to these costs it will pay for an archivist to digitise the records and upload them to our archive.

How it works...

You can apply online here. You will be guided through registration and setting up your payment.

If you need help please contact Tony Griffin via email.

This buys you one membership number (that we will allocate), which enters you into the quarterly draw. All participants must be over 16. We will send you an email advising you of your membership number.

We will not allow more than 100 participants to belong to the club.

We started the prize draw in September 2021.

The draw will take place on 25 March, 25 June, 25 September, and 25 December each year. These are the Draw Days.

If you win, we will transfer the money to your bank account within 14 days of the Draw Day. We will give details of the winners of the 100 club draw in our newsletters or emails to members of the TVHC. We will also display the names on this website.

The prize money will be quarterly with one prize of £100, one of £50, and one of £25 each quarter. The remaining funds received will be used by us to help fund equipment and to pay for employees and other work to further the charitable objects of the Teign Valley History Centre.

Click here for the Club Rules

Founder Status, extra tickets and Enhanced prize money

We are keen to encourage early take up. The initial 50 members of the scheme will be awarded Founder Status. Their names will be listed on the website as Founder Supporters.

Further, if we can sign up 50 members we will increase the first draw prize to £200. The other prizes for the first draw will remain at £50 and £25.

And if you sign up a friend or family member we will award you a special temporary extra ticket to be used once in the next draw. Let us know who you referred by email.

You can see our progress with the "thermometer" showing the number of members.

If you have any queries, please contact Tony Griffin by email.

How do I donate?

It’s easy to donate to us. You can do it through Just Giving to set up a payment instruction by clicking here. Complete the registration form first, then you will be taken to the payment form.

(c) Teign Valley Museum and Archive Trust, 2021-23